dokonalé barbecue u vás doma

Exkluzívne Ohniská s grilom Artiss

Nie je to len grilovanie, je to filozofia grilovania.

GRILL Ohnisko​

Kvalitné ohnisko s grilom Artiss​

Ide o mimoriadne kvalitné ohnisko na grilovanie a varenie v exteriéri s jedinečným dizajnom, estetikou a funkčnými riešeniami. Je to všestranné a príjemné vonkajšie grilovanie v každom ročnom období.

Ide o jedinečný produkt, ktorý poskytuje úžasný kulinársky zážitok a stáva sa umením varenia a grilovania. Nie je to len grilovanie, je to filozofia grilovania.

Ohniská sú vyrábané z najkvalitnejšej ocele s najväčšou pozornosťou k detailom, ale čo je najdôležitejšie s ohľadom na zákazníkov.

Ohnisko sa dá personalizovať podľa želania, všetky diely sú vymeniteľné, majú niekoľko tvarov a farieb – podľa vášho vkusu a potrieb si môžete vytvoriť svoj vysnívaný gril.

Ďalšou vlastnosťou grilov Artiss je odnímateľné dno na popol, ktorý uľahčuje čistenie a údržbu ohniska.

Artiss ohnisko G1 BASIC corten


výška 930 ,
šírka platne 740, ø 392
Váha: 83 kg


Artiss ohnisko G1 corten


výška 930 ,
šírka platne 740, ø 392
Váha: 146 kg


Artiss ohnisko G1 BASIC graphite


výška 930 ,
šírka platne 740, ø 392
Váha: 83 kg


Artiss garden barbecue-firepit G1 graphite

Artiss ohnisko G1 graphite


výška 982 ,
šírka platne 900, ø 392
Váha: 146 kg


Artiss ohnisko G2 corten


výška 982 ,
šírka platne 900, ø 392
Váha: 146 kg


Artiss ohnisko G2 graphite


výška 982 ,
šírka platne 900, ø 392
Váha: 146 kg


Ohnisko s grilom Artiss G6 basic graphite

Artiss ohnisko G6 BASIC graphite


výška 982 ,
šírka platne 900, ø 392
Váha: 146 kg


Ohnisko s grilom Artiss G6 basic corten

Artiss ohnisko G6 BASIC corten


výška 982 ,
šírka platne 900, ø 392
Váha: 146 kg


Artiss ohnisko G7 BASIC graphite


výška 982 ,
šírka platne 900, ø 392
Váha: 146 kg


Artiss ohnisko G7 BASIC corten


výška 982 ,
šírka platne 900, ø 392
Váha: 146 kg


Artiss garden barbecue-firepit G3 corten

Artiss ohnisko G3 corten


výška 962,
šírka 1763,
šírka platne 900, ø 392
Váha: 239 kg


Artiss garden barbecue-firepit G3 graphite

Artiss ohnisko G3 graphite


výška 962,
šírka platne 1763,
šírka platne 900, ø 392
Váha: 239 kg


Artiss ohnisko G4 corten


výška 982,
šírka platne 1759,
šírka platne 900, ø 392
Váha: 199 kg


grill_g4_grafit_blat_drewniany_1.jpg grill_g4_grafit_blat_drewniany_1.jpg grill_g4_schemat.jpg grill_g4_grafit_blat_drewniany_1a.jpg grill_g4_grafit_blat_drewniany_1b.jpg grill_g4_grafit_blat_drewniany_1c.jpg Availability: in stock Dispatched within: 24 hours Price: €2,349.00 colour: * placha type: carbon steel plancha cooking plancha made of food-grade stainless steel * top type: wooden granite grill with a wok opening: grill with support: protective lid: pcs. add to wish list * - Field mandatory Rating: Vendor: Artiss Product code: ARTISS-G4-GRAPHITE-EN ask about product recommend to a friend add your review Save Description ARTISS is a brand of extraordinary appliances for BBQ and outdoor cooking of a special design, modern, beautiful look and aesthetics as well as functional solutions. ARTISS gives You the chance to barbecue all-round and all-year outside in the fresh air. We created a special product which delivers amazing culinary experience and becomes an art of cooking and barbecue. It is not just barbecueing, it is a philosophy of barbecueing. The barbecues are made in Poland from top-quality steel, with a particular care for details but, most importantly, with the thought about our customers. The barbecue can be personalized according to one’s needs, all parts are exchangeable, have different forms and colours – depending on one’s taste and needs a perfect barbecue can be created. What makes Artiss barbecues so special? All barbecues are made in Poland with greatest care for details. As the only manufacturer in the horeca industry We are proud to use a foodgrade stainless steel for our cooking plancha. Only ARTISS BBQs offer a foodgrade cooking plancha. All barbecues are made in Poland with greatest care for details. Another feature of our barbecues is the removable ashpan which makes the cleaning and maintenance easier. Once again, You will not find it elsewhere. We offer several designs and variants to choose from – possibility to personalize Your BBQ. Expansion possibility – The complete ARTISS system has several elements of different shapes and colors, all elements can be combined together. Additional accessories – We created handy accessories where their design matches the barbecues creating a coherent whole (benches, tables, aprons, BBQ tools, cleaning tools or fire starters) Complete documentation – certificates and approvals for materials used in the production of our products. ARTISS has already enraptured garden designers and architects. Restaurants, hotels as well as BBQ enthusiasts who use them in their gardens and terraces. ARTISS meets the expectations of both professional and amateur cooks who need to serve more guests or prepare several meals at one time. ARTISS is the possibility and guarantee of an optimal temperature required to prepare various courses. You may barbecue both on the large plancha or on the grill located directly over the fire. The G4 barbecue is a registered industrial design in the European Union under the number 006799615-0004. Technical data weight 199 kg Product reviews (0) Name or nick: Your review:

Artiss ohnisko G4 graphite


výška 982,
šírka 1759,
šírka platne 900, ø 392
Váha: 199 kg


Artiss garden barbecue-firepit G5 corten

Artiss ohnisko G5 corten


výška 982,
šírka 1700,
šírka platne 900, ø 392
Váha: 204 kg


Artiss garden barbecue-firepit G5 graphite

Artiss ohnisko G5 graphite


výška 982,
šírka 1700,
šírka platne 900, ø 392
Váha: 204 kg


Ohniská s grilom

Vychutnajte si vonkajšie varenie a grilovanie so špeciálnym dizajnom, modreným vzhľadom a estetikou, ako aj funkčnými riešeniami.



Pestovateľská 2
821 04 Bratislava 4


Mobil: +421 910 923 980


Otváracie hodiny

PON-PIA 09:00 – 16:00